Conducted quantitative research on the topic “Organisational Politics and its Relationship with Employee Morale among Employees in the IT Sector” (2o15-16)
Conducted quantitative research on the topic “The Impact of Personality on Problematic Internet Use and Internet Addiction among College Students” (2013-14)
Paper Presentations
Presented the case study titled “Brands in Crisis: An analysis of cases” at the Fourth National Conference on Case Studies (COGNOSCO) in 2015.
Presented a paper titled “Relationship between Personality and Problematic Internet Use and Internet Addiction Among College Students” in the Two Day National Conference on Psychology in Transforming Era in 2023.
Presented a paper titled “Secular Ethics Education in a Multi-Religious Society” in the 2-day National Seminar on the Incorporation of NEP2020 in the NAAC Reaccreditation Framework in 2023.